When you decide to sell your iPhone or Smartphone, you need several tips to check Smartphone before selling to get the best price. There are several tips and steps that you need to check before you give your iPhone or Smartphone to the new user. The new user need to make sure all of the supported information and safe to use as well. you may need times to consider several things before do some tips to check Smartphone before selling to get the right buyer..
Several steps and tips you should do before selling your Smartphone or iPhone:
1. Always back up before sell it.
You should need back up your Smartphone regularly, but if you want to sell your Smartphone , you will really need to back up clearly your data. For iPhone, Apple provides the manual how t back up your iPhone using the iCloud in your computers using iTunes. For the Android, you need to setting your google acccount to back up your information’s through te setting menuu. There are some handsets which provide the back up applications in the device. The options are Titanium, G-Cloud Back Up or Hellium.
2. Make sure your smartphone/iPhone is totally clean.
You cannot imagine when the new user fond out your photo or chat. You should avoid this problem. When you give your used Smartphone/iPhone, you need to empty your file or data’s like the new one. This is also the easier way as well. Like PC, the fingerprint electronic can be hard to remove. For Apple, they offer you the details how you can remove this things. For the Android Smartphone, you can reset your setting menu. Especially for Android, you may need the certain application for removing your data inside your Smartphone, such as: autowipe, lookout, etc. This is to prevent your Android Smartphone from damages.
3. Take out your SIM card.
If your Smartphone has the SIM card, you should put it out. This is has the telephone number inside your SIM and you may want to use it in your new devices as well. if your Smartphone has the additional memory card, you also need to put out because it may contain your data.
4. You should disable your Smartphone from wireless history.
You may think that shut down your wireless carrier is not important. Most of peoples forget to do this tips. However, this is also important part. You user may cannot activate when you forgot disable your wireless carrier from your Smartphone.
5. Remove any accessories from your Smartphone
When you decide to sell your Smartphone or iPhone, you also need to remove all of the accessories that stuck in your Smartphone. Make sure that you take out the aftermarket battery that you used now. Make sure you give the information about the battery as well.
6. Wipe cleanly before sell it.
This is the simple way to wipe out your Smartphone. Clean your Smartphone to make the buyer fell worth with the price. Wipe the screen ad port from the dirt. You also can add the new screen glass.
How you can sell your Smartphone?
After you know tips to check Smartphone before selling, you should know the how to sell your iPhone or Smartphone to make it worth. You should considerate several things, they are:
1. Decide how much you will get.
You should know about your Smartphone condition, old/new, popular Smartphone/not, etc. these things help you to decide how much you will get.
2. Is it broken or old?
How much money that you want to get for the broke handset or old? Make sure that your Smartphone really suit with the price worth.